Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I pray that you will be joyful everyday of your life. Now before you think I am praying for an unlikely result, you must remember that joy and happiness are not the same thing. Joy is a state of being, it is a consequence of who you are in Christ, not a reflection of your circumstances. Joy is what brings praise to your lips instead of a curse; it gives you that last little bit of motivation to get out of the bed every morning, even if you know the day ahead of you will be difficult or tiring. Joy allows you to see the miracle in the dandelion, and wonder in a soap bubble. It is what makes you dance spontaneously, or smile for no reason at all.

Joy is walking through hell hand in hand with God.

Joy is leaping off faith's highest cliff knowing Christ will catch you at the bottom or give you wings to soar to the top.

Joy is the epitome of Jesus' character. Don't ever picture your Savior as a somber, solemn, distant God...when He laughs, it is deep and full and loud; when He smiles, He beams from ear to ear. Jesus had eternal joy -- joy that the tears He wept, and the blood He shed would not be in vain, but would bring us home to be with Him forever.

Joy is not happiness. I do not wish you happiness every day. Without the tears, the painful moments, the times when our hearts are broken, the times when we are angered or indignant, we cannot grow. Without those unhappy times, we cannot experience the times of hope, excitement, fulfillment, peace, and camaraderie that make life wonderful.

So I wish you joy.

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