Saturday, January 07, 2006


Pretty Kitty 4
Originally uploaded by Girlcloud.
You amaze me more everyday. You have learned to do so many things in such a short amount of time. You hold your head up better everyday and you've started reaching out at objects around you. You've begun to explore the concept of play, and I can't wait for that to develop even more. You sleep through the night (most nights) and in the mornings, after your morning feeding, you and I snuggle together on the couch for a little extra shut-eye. Its a special time for just the two of us to enjoy a sweet closeness before the routine of the day begins.

I love the way you try to imitate my facial expressions. Your smile could melt anyone's heart - it is so full of unfettered joy and innocence. You show happiness with your whole body: eyes, mouth, arms, legs...its like a spasm of glee. I wish I could keep that aspect of your personality untouched forever. It is the carefree happiness of an infant who knows nothing of responsibilities, worries, fear, or doubt.

You are so accepting of everyone you meet; greeting perfect strangers with dazzling smiles that say 'I'm so happy to see you, whoever you are.' Would that we were all so welcoming to those around us we don't know. I'm sure there will come a time when I will want you to look at strangers with suspicion, but the fact that you don't now speaks to me as to how I should take people upon first meeting: assume everyone is a potential friend.

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